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Holiday Shopping Tips

It’s time to start thinking about holiday shopping. If you are shopping on a budget, it can be difficult. You don’t want to have holiday debt that lasts till next Christmas. You want to give everyone a Merry Christmas, but on a budget.

Check out these holiday shopping tips to help you save time and money this season of giving.

Use a Holiday Shopping List

Create a list of all the people you want to shop for this holiday season. After creating your list write ideas for family and friends. Knowing who and what you are shopping for can help not purchase unnecessary items.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals

If you are looking to help your money go further, check out Black Friday Deals. Many retailers release their sales in advance helping you to plan ahead. Some retailers even offer the same Black Friday savings online on or before Thanksgiving. And you save time by having it shipped right to your door.

Free Shipping

Extra costs for shipping can add up quickly during the holidays. Be sure to check holiday shipping promotions to save on costs. Many retailers offer free shipping or ship-to-store option when shopping online.

Don’t fall for the “Great Deal”

One big way to save money is just because it’s a “Great Deal” doesn’t mean you have to buy it. If it isn't on your list or something you need, don’t fall into the trap. Unneeded holiday shopping can add up quickly and simply not all deals are as good as they appear.

Social Media & Apps

Be sure to follow your favorite retailers on social media and download their app. Some retailers offer social media or app-exclusive deals and coupons. This will also help you save after the holidays too with year-end deals.

Price Matching

Many stores offer price matching, which can save you save time and money by cutting down the list of stores. Be sure to see what the price-matching policies are ahead of time. You may have to provide proof of a lower price offered on the same item the store will match or beat to keep your business.

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