It’s no secret that social media has become a big part of our everyday lives. Instagram is a great way to get inspired. Here are a few apartment profiles to follow.
1. @600sqftandababy - Mazurek details her life in a 600 square foot apartment in Vancouver and proves that living small doesn't have to mean living uncomfortably. We love her smart use of space and beautiful minimal design in every room.
2. @champagneandsequins - This apartment may be small but with this view of Manhattan you don’t need a whole lot of space anyway. We love her girly, but simple details that she incorporated. The white gives it a crisp clean look.
3. @thecrapflat - Emma Hopkinson's apartment is for you if you like grays and simplicity. Although her pictures are amazing, her captions are what will really pull you in. She is very funny! Emma really knows how to live large in a small apartment.
4. @citychicdecor - Chelsey Brown, author of Renter Style, shows us how to keep it chic and girly in her New York apartment. She definitely has an eye for what is trendy and popular. She is a fan favorite among many girl apartment dwellers.
5. @justbeingkatherine - This page is good for those who love neutrals with pops of color and pattern here or there. We love Katherine’s use of space and unique ideas. She is one to follow for sure!
Use this inspiration to get some ideas for your little home! Happy decorating!